Wild Game Dinner
A tremendous feast of exotic and back-woods dishes surrounded by games of skill, trivia contests, a shooting range, prizes, vendors, and evening hunting seminars...
Spring Revival
Our annual revival meetings are a special time each year where we take time to focus for several days in a row on making great strides in becoming more like Christ.
Vacation Bible School
Our annual summer event for children up through 6th grade is a great time of Bible teaching, fun, crafts, and even snacks for a whole week during their summer break.
Friends of Fostoria Family Fun Fair is a yearly event that our church puts on as a community outreach.
Missions Conference
Each fall, near the end of October, the highlight of our Missions ministry takes place . . . our annual FBC Missions Conference.
Christmas Cantata
One of the biggest highlights of our Christmas celebration is our annual cantata held on one Friday night and one Sunday night in December.